Showing posts with label how to become rich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to become rich. Show all posts

11 September 2011

2011 - Improving my interaction with others for better success

I have been observing my behavior patterns when I interact with other people. My observation intensity increased lately due to listening of some audio material that explain how successful people take full responsibility for their lives and how they let themselves to be taught by other successful people in order to change their behavior and make better use of their available time. One of the most prominent characteristics of successful people is to have genuine love or interest for other people, to care for them, and thus build yourself a very attractive charisma. Consequently your open and sincere attitude is accumulated also in many business opportunities that bring a lot of money.

Listening to these material challenges my believe that you can earn a lot of money only if you abuse other people and deliberately manipulate with them to buy what you are selling. I see that I inherited those believes from my parents, especially from my father, who was very critical and cynical towards politicians and rich people, defining them as those who exploit others and steal in very deceptive ways. My father holds a believe that you can earn decent money only if you work hard. He in very innovative in ways how to make money to support himself, but he is not successful in building a team of people that would make even more money. He is full of anger and blame and envy and very short tempered.

In the audio material that I listen, I learn that difference between very successful and less successful people is in taking full responsibility for your life. Successful people never blame others for anything that happens in their lives. They never define anything as bad, but see everything as challenge and opportunity to learn and to make themselves a better person. You always get money from other people, so in order for others to give you money, you need to provide them with something that they want, with something that will improve their lives. Others can sense if you are sincere or if you are just trying to take advantage of them. So being totally honest and truly caring is the key to lasting and increasing success.

When I observe myself and my interaction with other people, I see that I am very uncomfortable with making connections and starting conversations. I need some event to happen in order to break the ice. I need to see some common point of interest before I start sharing myself with others. I need to firstly see the potential of engaging in conversation so that I will get something in return or so that people that I speak with will appreciate what I have to say. Thus I firstly observe others and estimate their level of understanding and compatibility with me, before I consider them worth of contacting.

This point became even more prominent since I started to live with my girlfriend who has much more easy going character and is able to connect with anyone anytime without any judgement or fear. When she finds something or something attractive, she becomes like a child, approaches the subject with funny innocent gestures and voice, extends her arms and touches the subject sweet and gently. One advantage of hers is that she is a woman and they are already by nature more opened and easy to connect between each other, but even among females she is much more childish than others. However she lacks ability of sharing useful supportive content and mostly engages only in small talk.

The harders part of conversation with someone you don't know is starting conversation. One way of how to connect with others is to observe them and pick something that you really like about them. When you approach them you can say: "I really like your tie!" or something. This is cool ice-breaker and it opens subject for discussion. Everyone needs to be accepted and recognized and feel welcome. There is so much criticism in this world, and it is very easy to point fingers, blame, judge and be picky, and it is hard to say something nice about others. It is even harder to give a sincere compliment, without being dishonest and manipulative.

For me it is hard to open myself due to self-judgement, of being dependent on other people's opinion, so I am careful not to make myself a fool or communicate with those who I perceive that will be not interested in what I want to share. I act from a kind of self-protective position where I am more like observer than active participant. I have not yet become person who direct himself towards what is best for all and thus feels no shame or regret. Thus I am continuing with realizing that self-honesty is the key element for permanent succes in life. And it is also about standing for what is best for all no matter what. They say: "The higher the level, the higher the devil", so the one who stands up for life also need to be prepared to face great challenges that come along with this state of the mind.

Many, including me, do not want to disturb others, thus I hold myself back and live rather more quiet and isolated life than put myself in center of attention. I fear that if I would become more opened, others would want my attention, they would want to socialize with me as much as possible and that would drain my energy. I learned that some want to listen and follow others due to not wanting to take self-responsibility for their lives. So they follow easy going people just for entertainment, to distract their attention from the problems in their lives. And this is not what I want to do. I want everybody to take self-responsibility and face everything that they created in their lives. From my point of view, there is enough wisdom in this world that one can easily change their behavior patterns only if decides to stop.

Especially now, where there is awesome Desteni I Process self-development and leadership course available online to everybody, one is able to improve their life significantly. All can find out how mind works for real and get a fast realisation of how we create this world due to acceptance and allowance of repeating thinking and emotional patterns. If one takes full self-responsibility it is possible with use of self-forgiveness and self-corrective application to stop living in the mind and birth yourself as life from the physical. This way you stop being irresponsible observer of what is going on, and start being responsible and active participant that creates world that is best for all. With help of peaceful political agenda of an Equal Money System we have the power to effectively and practically remove also all current legal obstacles that prevent us to live here as in heaven on earth. We are the creator. Let's stop all the inherited evil that we project from past to present and create the world that support all living beings equally.

  1. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself the believe that rich people are all abusers instead of realizing that one can become rich by not caring about others, but there are also a lot of millionaires that care for others very much, and use honesty and integrity as the directive principle of their business.

  2. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself that one can earn decent money only by hard work with own bare hands, instead of realizing that in this way you can earn only limited amount of money, thus you can earn much more if you sell products that are required by a large amount of people, or create a business that provide services for many people.

  3. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself the fear of what will others think of me, instead of realizing that this fear is based in self-judgement and what others think about me is their own creation and projection, thus it is best for me to direct myself in every breath in total self-honesty and self-trust towards what is best for all.

  4. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to be afraid that I will run out of energy if I engage in long conversation with many people, instead of realizing that feeling of being drained always originates from the mind if someone communicates based on knowledge and information and not using common sense, and directive principle of oneness and equality and what is best for all.

  5. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself the believe that it is best for not to disturb anybody an live peaceful life, instead of realizing that I am responsible for everything that exists in this world, thus by not acting and directing others to become self-honest and live here as responsible participants, I allow evil to continue in this world.

  6. I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to communicate from the point of hurry, blame, anger and resentment when I see some situation that needs to be aligned with the principle of what is best for all, instead of becoming one and equal with all participants, slow down, be here, and take all the necessary time to give proper information and direct event in order for sufficient realisation is established for the transformation of behavior patterns.

  7. When I meet other people, I become and and equal with them, immediately connect and start conversation with ease and then support others from starting point of self-honesty, equality and what is best for all.

  8. When I speak, I am breathe effectively, stay here, slow myself down, and speak from common sense, from my own personal realisation and thus stay stable and clear all the time, regardless of how long I speak.


09 August 2011

2011 - Priority management

I have been observing recently, how fast the time is passing bye. From living alone, firstly my girlfriend Nadja joined living with me and a few weeks ago, also her 19-years old son Alen started to live in my apartment. I invest a lot of time in supporting both of them in realizing how "Desteni I Process" online Self-development & Leadership Course is beneficial in terms of removing mind limitation and gaining financial freedom. Nadja started DIP about two months ago and is progressing slowly, since she has not used English language very much and needs to learn a lot of new English words in order to understand DIP lessons. However she is pushing herself extensively and will gain speed in time. Yesterday I also signed-up Alen to DIP, since he became very excited about money-making opportunity of DIP multi level marketing business. He is currently extremely obsessed with cars and is passionately desiring certain type of silver color Mercedes-Benz car. So by joining DIP he will in time to earn enough money to buy himself this kind of transportation.

There is hundreds, even thousands successful legal MLM businesses in this world, like Amway, Herbalife, Tupperware, Site Talk, Global Information Network, and they are all a cool way of building your income. What I have learned is, that you can earn a lot of money in any business, especially in MLM business, and the decisive factor for guaranteed succes is to focus only on one business. The point is, that we all have limited time, there is only 24 hours in one day, and every business needs a lot, if not full attention, to succeed. So every successful person is a master of 'time management', some call it rather 'priority management'. In fact you can not manage the time, since tings happen very unpredictable, the only things you can manage is priorities. So you put the most important things at the top of the list and move towards its realisation until it is done, and then you move on to the next point on the list. And the best tools for priority management are 'paper-based' systems. While computers are indispensable in our lives, they also function as a crutch and make us remember less things since we rely on computer date storage. So when writing things down manually, using blue ink and white paper, we use our brains very differently, comparing to typing on computer keyboard, so we remember a lot more when writing with our hands, using just a simple pen.

In current economic system we are all forced to focus on only one thing in order to succeed, since there is extremely fierce competition. Some MLM systems promise high earnings if one dedicates all personal time to the system and follows instructions to the finest detail. So your financial success is guaranteed if you give your life to the system. These systems use the 'Law Of Attraction' and direct people to focus 'only on the positive', since everyone is suppose to be responsible only for your own life. They do not care for the poor and incapable people, but only make already capable people more capable and more wealthy. What is wrong with those systems is that they are the cause of poverty in this world. Participants are not aware of the fact, that by creating positive, they at the same time also create the negative. This is because there is one law that is superior to 'Law Of Attraction' and is called 'The Law Of Balance' or the 'Law Of Equality'.

All MLM systems present themselves as beneficial for development of society, they usually sell high-quality products and perceive themselves to be based of high moral principles. They support personal responsibility, but this responsibility is limited only to the system and to personal lives of MLM business participants. What they are lacking is the full responsibility for all things that they are influencing. Nobody is aware about how each of us are tightly globally interconnected and interdependent, and that everybody's action influence others beyond imaginable. So no MLM business is taking full responsibility, except one that is called 'Desteni I Process'. At Desteni we are aware about full picture of all systems in this world, and that everyone of us is equally responsible for everything that exist in this world. Thus a special multi level business has been developed that will take care for wealth of all living beings on this planet. It is the only MLM business that incorporates political agenda of on 'Equal Money System' that will eradicate greed, hunger, poverty and war from this world once and for all. So if you want to be rich and are at the same time interested in bettering of yourself and this world, I suggest to research and join 'Desteni I Process' that is the best MLM business of all times.

30 April 2011

2011 - Moving forward, slowly but effectively

For the past four days I felt extremely physically tired. The weather changed and the cold, cloudy and rainy days have started to influence my mood. While in the clear, warm and sunny weather I do not feel like lying in the bed during the day, I had no problems with extended resting and sleeping in past several days. I am living very comfortable life now, at the top apartment of my father's house, I have my own kitchen, separate bathroom and living room with computer, so I practically do not need to leave the apartment in order to work, because it is all related to internet. Since I also have a laptop computer, I sometimes wake up, grab the computer, answer messages and write Desteni I Process blogs without even standing up from the bed. And when I feel like taking a break, I simply close the computer and take a nap. So it can already be noon and I am still in the bed. And this does not mean that I have done no work, it is just that I even do not need to leave my bed in order to do the work.

Of course this kind of life is just temporary, since I will move to Ljubljana as soon as I find appropriate place to live and do my business. And I also plan to stop working alone, as a freelancer, but to employ at least one person. For the past 10 years I have worked alone because I perceived that employing someone would be too much struggle for me due to constant need of providing enough work that would bring sufficient income to pay off the salary to the employees. While living and working alone in my own apartment, I had a very little monthly costs, so I practically did not pay even the minimum salary for myself. If I would employ someone, the minimum salary with all the taxes would be so big that I would have to increase my income for at least 4 times in order to pay the worker.

But now I have different agenda. I have sold my apartment so I have enough money to invest in projects that will make this world permanently a better place for everyone. I have started to follow the words 'Give and you shall receive' and I am investing all my money into changing this system into Equal Money System that will provide equally for all living beings. I am starting a new licensed business of creating and selling Desteni promotional accessories and I expect that this business will return my investment many times in couple of years. Thus I plan to rent a house where there will be enough space to live and do the business and I plan to hire at least one person to assist me with this job. I search for company who will be able to create excellent online shop to sell the products worldwide and I will invite the best graphic designers to contribute their artworks for Desteni merchandising products.

So in the future I will change my focus from jobs where I had to do all the creative and computer relate work, into managing in organising the projects and let other people to do the finalisation of project details. I will also continue to work as and Desteni I Process recruiter that will also bring me large additional income in several years. And I will start writing a book 'What photography will be in an Equal Money System', as Bernard suggested. In order to write this book, I plan to do research and interviews with many people, involved in photography business in order to get the feedback of how photography has been influenced by money in past years and to picture out how it will change when fear of survival will be removed when equality system will be in place. And since I have purchased a professional video camera, as addition to this book, I consider to also produce a full documentary about the photography business. So many projects ahead that will keep me and many other people busy for many years.

Currently I am also testing different approaches of how to introduce as many people as possible with Desteni message and invite them to participate in Desteni I Process. For this purposes I created a FaceBook group 'Praktično ustvarjanje raja na zemlji' (Creating heaven on earth practically), and I invited many people to join the group by posting invitation to their wall. The number of group members started to grow very fast, but then I noticed that some have started to emotionally react to posted Desteni material and left the group. These were mostly older people and the lightworkers, so I learned only to invite younger people in this group, who have not too many pretty pictures in their profiles. And I have wrote a detailed and strict descriptions of the rules of participation in the group in order to be clear what to expect and how to behave in the group. Now only serious people join, and there is no more emotional comments.

In addition to inviting people to the group by sending direct messages and making new friends, I also started to test the effectiveness of FaceBook ads. I created an ad for the group and I cover the costs of advertisement with my credit cart. I choose the ad to be displayed in profiles of people age from 18 to 40 years, who are funs of spiritual and self-realisation books, movies and pages like 'The Secret' and what not. I choose the option of paying per click and selected minimum price of 0,2 € per click and I set the daily budge to 10 €. Now the ad campaign has been running for one week, with average of 100.000 impressions and 70 clicks per day. And the result of this is that about 10 people per day joined the group. So the cost is about 1 € per one new group member which I consider to be very effective investment. So I invite others to also create similar groups and invest in new members in order to attract recruits for the Desteni I Process life coaching program.